
Convenient Measurement Tools and Helper Utilities

Table of Contents [Toc]

   Current Operating Systems
   Windows 95/98
Collection of nice Windows Tools
   Current Operating Systems
   Windows 95/98


Electronics  [Toc] [Top]

Current Operating Systems  [Toc] [Top]

RS232 Scope V1.02
Excel 97 Worksheet with Visual Basic Macro
RS232 Scope
RS232 Debug Interface
Excel 97 Worksheet with Visual Basic Macro
RS232 Debug Interface
DCF77 Capture & Visualization
Excel 97 Worksheet with Visual Basic Macro
DCF77 Capture & Decoding
Automatic Table Generator for MPLAB Assembler
Excel 97 Worksheet with Visual Basic Macro
ASM Table Generator

A slim but very nice and convenient terminal program for connections based on serial port, TCP/IP, and SSH, including logging and macro functionality., Windows XP


It is a realtime audio analyser, the opposite program to the signal generator below. Works with your PC soundcard.

Sebastian Dunst, Windows XP

Audio Analyzer

It is an audio signal generator for your PC in combination with your soundcard.

Sebastian Dunst, Windows XP

Multi Sine

Windows 95/98  [Toc] [Top]

  Item Size File
Windows 95 HyperTerminal
because Windows 98 HyperTerminal does not echo locally typed characters.
153 kB

2-Channel AC-Oscilloscope for your PC soundcard, that means 20 - 20'000 Hz

Windows 95/98

68.4 kB

Improved 2-Channel AC-Oscilloscope for your PC soundcard, that means 20 - 20'000 Hz

Windows 95/98

implemented by a student at Moscows State University, Physic Dep., Homepage with Versions for Win3.x/Win95

88.4 kB

Frequency Analyzer for your PC soundcard, that means 20 - 20'000 Hz

Windows 95/98

31.9 kB


Collection of nice Windows Tools  [Toc] [Top]

Current Operating Systems  [Toc] [Top]

Multiple Desktops for Windows XP:
Get the Virtual Desktop Manager from the Microsoft PowerToys.
Desktop Manager
AeroSnap and AeroShake for Windows XP and Vista:
Get the AquaSnap Utility from Nurgo Software.

Windows 95/98  [Toc] [Top]

  Item Size File
This page has initially been created using HomeSite V1.2, an excellent HTML source code editor implemented by Nick Bradbury. Windows 95/98 503 kB hs12.exe


Last updated: 2010/05/04

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